How I got featured in Vogue

From painting in my flat, to hustling on Instagram to being in the world's largest cultural publication.

I told my mum I was in Vogue magazine.

...she thought I was joking!

Yes, that’s my painting by a swimming pool!

In September, I was invited to perform live painting for the opening of a new hotel in Madrid - Casa De Las Artes, by The Melia Collection.

The hotel also bought 2 pieces for their permanent collection and to hang in their space.

This opportunity came about through an introduction from a buyer of my work earlier this year.

I cannot stress enough… I could not have achieved either of these opportunities without the work I put into my Instagram marketing.

I explain the whole journey from the first time I delivered my work in Madrid in this video…

After all the work and uncertainty of this year it is incredibly surreal to have done this.

It’s also very surreal for my art to be featured in Vogue magazine. A publication I never thought about being featured in.

Pretty spicy to be mentioned alongside creatives at the top of their game too…

...Albeit Spanish ones that I didn't know until I met them oops

Hi hi that’s me!

Side Note: I was approached by British Vogue earlier this year.

I declined it as participation in their campaign was too expensive.

Here’s the email I received from them:

I was interested until they asked me to pay for the opportunity.

But after all, that is part of the business model for traditional publications.

I didn’t need to pay after all!

Thanks to everyone who has supported my art journey - and my mum for keeping my feet on the ground! 😂